
Taming the Generosity: Rohan McCloskey

Season 1, Ep. 14

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Let’s face, this episode should really be called UNtamed Generosity, because the amount of giving and positive impact generated by our guest is on a whole different level.

Meet Rohan McCloskey, CEO and Co-Founder of GoGenerosity – a groundbreaking company that is making generosity an easy as part of your everyday activities and experiences, and making a huge, tangible difference to the lives of local people in need.

GoGenerosity combines two of Rohan’s passions: seeing businesses succeed & being able to help people.

The idea of GoGenerosity was sparked during our Covid-19 lockdown. Rohan started to see that there was a real need for breaking down the barrier for everyday people giving to those who need it most. He also spotted that charities needed access to more products & resources. Now, through generous people paying it forward & smart technology, charities can get access to more resources to best help the people they support.

This awe-inspiring episodes covers Rohan’s difficult childhood, his hospitality career, faith and mental health journey. It’s powerful. raw and inspirational listening for anyone who wants to matter and make a difference in the lives of others.

Discover more about the ground-breaking work Rohan and his GoGenerosity team are doing here.

Taming the Ferrets is produced by WTF! Productions and presented by Freddie Bennett, an ‘Anti-marketing’ entrepreneur, bestselling author and Guinness World Record holder.

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