HomeTagsOctober/November 2020 Edition

October/November 2020 Edition

Rise of the Franchisee Entrepreneur

I remember my year 11 economics class and the subject of entrepreneurship; it was described as being “hard to define and even harder to...

Key questions to ask on an Information Memorandum

A business’s Information Memorandum is a summary of the business for sale and you use it to figure out if you are really interested...

Honesty the best policy for staff communications

The year ahead will be one of the most uncertain for New Zealand businesses. The world continues to grapple with the impacts of Covid-19...

Dwayne Morgan’s new offices launch

Photos from the launch of Dwayne Morgan’s new offices for Special Programs Security. Photos/ Pete Luxford Photography.

Positives around a flexible and contingent workforce

A large portion of our workforce is working from home and the business environment this year has lent itself towards businesses being required to...

Flexible future for Shared Workspaces

The trials and tribulations of the past year have shown many businesses the benefits of remote working. But remote working is not going to...

How to avoid or get out of debt

One of the things that have really helped me in my role as a debt advisor, debt prevention advisor and especially a repossession company...

Evidence of a V-shaped recovery

Investment market update (for the quarter ended 31 Aug, 2020) The global pandemic is not yet behind us. People in the northern hemisphere have been...

Protect your digital assets

Over the past few articles, I have written about the importance of protecting your business’ digital assets. However, when it comes to actually implementing...

New Year – New Meetings at Trustpower Baypark

Trustpower Baypark are pleased to offer a “New Year – New Meetings” promotion as a fresh start to 2021 for all your strategic planning,...

Why the Tauriko Tauranga bubble works

Tauriko has been one of the region’s most successful industrial parks and is a core reason for Tauranga’s strong record over recent years in...

Why Tauriko continues to thrive

Perhaps surprisingly, says Ray White Commercial director Philip Hunt, despite Covid-19 the Tauriko Business Estate is busier than ever. A Tauriko specialist with eight years’...

Tauriko – Positioned for further growth

Tauriko Business Estate continues to experience high growth and demand, says Bryce Donne, Director of Element IMF, which has been developing the site since its...

Rotorua Women in Business networking event

Photos from the Rotorua Women in Business networking meet-up at Volcanic Hills Wine Tasting Rooms. Photos/ Nikeey Silwal, Rotorua Chamber of Commerce


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