
Steffan Hudson

Director, Holloway Hudson Burgess

Growing sales and profits takes a balanced mix of smart marketing and effective selling.

Over the last 15, years Steffan Hudson has helped hundreds of businesses across New Zealand and Australia massively increase sales by taking a common-sense approach to marketing and then backing that up with strong sales systems.

While Holloway Hudson Burgess may have started as a traditional marketing and advertising agency, they have morphed into a specialist consultancy service that helps businesses re-define their sales process to maximise sales conversion and profitability.

“We’ve spent decades helping businesses implement smart marketing initiatives, but the truth is, real growth requires an effective sales approach. You can’t just throw money at advertising and hope for more sales, you must back it up with a proven sales approach and strong sales systems. When we started helping businesses bridge the gap between marketing and sales, we began to see massive results,” explains Steffan.

Alongside his business partners Gareth Burgess and Mark Holloway, Steffan has become an expert sales trainer and is particularly passionate about helping sales teams to develop the tools required to design, implement, monitor and fine-tune a high performing sales funnel. “These days there are so many awesome tools out there which can automate much of the heavy lifting in your sales process and give you real time data so you can see what’s working and what isn’t. Modern CRMs are now affordable for all businesses and can really help you skyrocket your sales if used well”.

Steffan’s unique approach to sales training and system design has seen him travel the world as a guest speaker at sales events for many industries including construction, luxury goods, forestry and more.

Published by BOP Business Publications
Published by BOP Business Publications
Publisher: Bay of Plenty Business Publications Limited, PO Box 155, Tauranga 3144 info@bopbusinessnews.co.nz, www.bopbusinessnews.co.nz

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