Rotorua Business Chamber membership continues to grow, with 90 per cent of local businesses making the most of the support, advocacy and initiatives the Chamber offers. The Rotorua Business Chamber acts as a collective voice for businesses, working in four key areas – advocacy, networking, business support and education.
Rotorua’s CBD recovery, city services, housing, and infrastructure investment, are just some of the significant challenges Chief Executive Bryce Heard has been working on, behind the scenes, to effect positive change. “The Chamber advocates on issues impacting the business environment in Rotorua, reflecting the issues our members are concerned about,” Bryce says. “We have been active in many areas, always seeking to put solutions and facts before the decision makers, rather than opinion.”
Whether your business is a start-up or fully established, networking is the most cost effective and influential way to grow your business connections. The Chamber hosts more than 50 events throughout the year, providing a range of networking opportunities, including Business after 5, BNZ women in business events and the popular speed-dating-styled breakfast connection events.
Photographer Michelle Cutelli enjoys connecting with other local businesswomen through the Rotorua Business Chamber.
“I love the women in business events, getting to know the person behind the brand. The events usually have a local person talking about their business and it gives such a wonderful insight. It’s a beautiful and safe environment for us to be able to express ourselves and support one another,” she says.
Michelle has been the photographer for the Tompkins Wake Rotorua Business Awards for the past five years. She also helps businesses visualise their business concepts leading up to the awards

Business support
Matt Browning, owner of local tech firm Salt +Tonic, says his experience with the Regional Business Partner network at the Rotorua Business Chamber has been invaluable. “The business coach gave us the insight and foundation we needed to grow our business. The end result was we doubled our business. We weren’t aware of the support available until we reached out to them,” Matt says.
Salt + Tonic builds apps that work across a broad range of industries – for small organisations and those who need to scale globally. They specialise in apps that reduce admin time, increase engagement, connect groups and all manner of things in between.
“I learned so much working with a business mentor at the Rotorua Business Chamber,” Trudy James, owner of Kura Kārearea, says. “Without her help, I wouldn’t be where I am today. She was amazing.”
Trudy’s business offers te reo Māori immersion afterschool care and school holiday programmes. Currently one of just two afterschool te reo programmes in Aotearoa, Trudy’s business has quickly grown to 10 staff with a vision to expand her business model throughout Aotearoa.
Trudy is well on the way to realising her company vision for future generations to embrace and normalise the gift of te reo Māori.
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