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Special Feature

Education and Training: Employee engagement drivers in today’s workplace

Dale Carnegie’s business in 90 countries has bounced back with an average increase of over 40% in the last year due to the heightened...

Credit Control: The Covid ridden butterfly effect in credit management

What a couple of years it has been for business! We can now meet clients, friends and family face-to-face rather than via the far...

Business Consultants: Kānuka kōrero: people & purpose

He aha te kai a te rangatira? He kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero. What is the food of the leader? It is conversation, it is...

Business Brokers: Business sales – busy times ahead

There has been an enormous amount of media coverage and focus over the last five years about a potential tsunami of New Zealand businesses...

Automotive: The future of NZ automotive trends

The Lexus of Tauranga store has now been trading for 19 months, and during that period we have launched two new models to the...

Architect – Urban Design: Design Engine Architects leading the way DE-sign, DE-light, DE-termination

Mark Wassung has always been driven by innovation: innovation in architecture, innovation in urban design, and innovation in intergenerational thinking. “Design should have aesthetic qualities...

Accounting and Advisory: Is your accountant working for you?

Having an accountant who can adapt to your changing business needs is essential as we head into 2023. Closing out 2022 We can all agree the...

Paper: The future is bright at the Whakatane Mill

In 2021, the community of Whakatane was devasted to learn that the mill – one of the town’s biggest and long standing employers –...

Primary Industry – Forestry: Growing our economy from trees

Research and new technologies are enabling forestry to be the engine of a circular bioeconomy for New Zealand. The Forestry and Wood Processing Industry Transformation...

Circular Bioeconomy: Creating global solutions to decarbonisation

Rotorua and the wider Bay of Plenty region is hard to beat when it comes to forestry. It would be fair to say it’s...

HR and Recruitment: Unique employer brand key to attracting talent in 2023

How to attract and retain talent in a post-Covid climate is one of the biggest questions businesses are contemplating right now, says Bay of...


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