
Publisher challenges readers: ‘count them!’

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In March Bay of Plenty Business News published its new annual magazine 100 People.

“It was really an idea that came from our readers,” says publisher Alan Neben. “Our annual Year Book has been very successful – last year featuring a record number of businesses.

“But a message came back to us last year loud and clear from Year Book readers: ‘We love hearing about the best businesses in the Bay, but we’d really like to hear more about their people; their back-stories and their philosophies; we’d like to know more about where they come from and what motivates them.’ ”

We listened, and so 100 People was born.

“As publisher, I immediately became anxious: ‘Will we be able to find 100 suitable people to profile?’ ”

Thankfully, the answer came quickly, and the question soon changed from, “Can we find 100 people?” to, “Who will we have to leave off the 100 list?”

The result is the new magazine and e-zine – 100 PEOPLE BEHIND BAY BUSINESS.

In the introduction I challenged our readers, saying, “yes, there are definitely 100 individuals featured in this issue … you’re welcome to count them.”
… so feel free.


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Alan Neben
Alan Neben
Alan Neben is a Mount Maunganui local and experienced New Zealand publisher. His columns provide a light-hearted perspective on social changes effecting New Zealanders

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