HomeTagsTrademarks and Copyright

Trademarks and Copyright

All for One, and One for all?

A core principle of trade mark law is that a trade mark – a business’s ‘badge of origin’ – should be distinctive. ‘Distinctive’, in law, means that the...

“It’s made in New Zealand”… but is it?

Regular readers of this column may recall that in March this year I wrote an article entitled, “It’s coming home … the return of NZ’s IP”*. The...

George Jackson: Protecting the intellectual property of Bay of Plenty businesses

As every business owner will tell you, bringing an idea to life takes time, money, and an enormous amount of energy. There is little more rewarding than...

Do the due… part 2

In July 2020, I wrote an article for this publication entitled “Do the due (diligence, that is)”.* Referencing a New Zealand High Court case, the article highlighted...

2022…new year…new idea? New IP?

It was a glorious afternoon. The sun was shining, and a gentle breeze blew across the sea as you enjoyed a fine Pinot Gris. Then it hit...

Securing yourself against the digitus impudicus in IPONZ proceedings

Picture this: You’re a local NZ business and you’ve just successfully defended an opposition to registration of your trade mark before the Intellectual Property Office of New...

Exporting to Australia – trademark tricks and copyright catches

Are you thinking of exportin’ to Australia? Got your IP rights in order? Not yet? Well, don’t leave it too late because ‘she’ might not be right...


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