
Oliver Road – Leaning in and looking through

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As market leaders in top end Tauranga real estate, Jason & Cameron of Oliver Road have experienced firsthand the aftermath of last year’s lockdown – the booming property market we’re still in.

Few would have predicted during those first days, and the extraordinary news spreading across the world that over the next year, here in the Bay of Plenty, median house prices would increase by 25% and that interest in unique, high-value homes would be the strongest it has ever been.

This all makes sense. Demand soared as expats returned home and those outward bound paused or canceled their plans.

Supply tightened as owners found more enjoyment in their current homes or were unable to find suitable replacements, and the availability of credit became overwhelmingly attractive to those with the appetite and patience for signing countless unread pages of commitment.

Although not expecting a repeat of last year, as the second Level 4 lockdown was announced, Oliver Road’s approach was to lean in and look through.

Having recently taken on several full-time trade staff in the development of their pre-market improvements service, the priority was to reassure those staff of their job security and to pay 100% of usual wages throughout. This approach was rewarded with a team of grateful and motivated staff ready to do whatever was required as restrictions lifted.

Feeling confident in their team’s readiness to deliver the international award-winning service allowed Jason and Cameron to focus not on Level 4 but rather to look straight through to the coming months.

Safe in the knowledge that in any market, the best choice for a vendor will remain the best, this time around Oliver Road has doubled down and leant in – not scaling back but ramping up investment in new people, technology and marketing.

With a near-full spring calendar of $2M+ listings being prepared for the market; one thing is certain – what Oliver Road is doing is working.

Read: Oliver Road is not for everyone

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