HomeTagsThree Waters Reform Proposal

Three Waters Reform Proposal

Water reforms aren’t just about drinking water

Much has been said about the Government’s three waters reforms – and a lot of the commentary has been negative. Tauranga City Council has not opposed the reforms,...

Commissioners’ Three Waters reform proposal

The Government’s Three Waters Reform proposal aims to ensure that all New Zealand communities have safe and sustainable drinking water supplies, wastewater reticulation, treatment and disposal systems...

Three Waters – ideological government indulging sectional political constituency

Tim Hunter’s excellent piece in NBR, 20 August, The flaw at the heart of water reform called attention to the disjunction between councils’ 100 percent ownership of the infrastructure with their 50 percent control of the oversight boards. This understates the impact of the three waters proposal.

Community input sought on three waters reform proposal

Tauranga City Council commissioners are calling for community input to include in feedback to the Government on its three waters reform proposal. Commission Chair Anne Tolley says the...


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