HomeTagsTauranga City Council

Tauranga City Council

Cameron Road traffic management changes to ease business impacts

A review of traffic management processes is expected to reduce the impacts of the ongoing Cameron Road upgrade on businesses along this key arterial route. This hugely significant...

Taking better care of our city

Complaints about overlong grass and out-of-control weeds have been a consistent theme amongst the communications we have received from city residents of late. The wettest winter, spring and...

City centre revitalisation set to accelerate

Early last month, the Tauranga City Council Commissioners joined mana whenua, contractors and council staff for the karakia which marks the start of another major construction project...

First of its kind plan maps the future of events in Tauranga

A ten-year plan for the future of events in Tauranga was publicly launched in October. In a collaborative effort, the Tauranga Events Action and Investment Plan has been...

Are there other ways to get our city moving?

Tauranga City Council has close to $2 billion earmarked in its 2021-31 long-term plan for transport system improvements, with the aim of getting traffic on our roads...

Commercial waste volumes to be analysed

The volume of commercial waste sent to landfill by Tauranga businesses will be analysed as part of the city’s Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, so that we...

Mega build for city

Tauranga City Council (TCC) has announced that its new headquarters at 90 Devonport Road could be the largest mass timber office building in New Zealand and will...

Important decisions confirmed

A number of key decisions for Tauranga’s future development have been confirmed following an extensive consultation process on Tauranga City Council’s 2021-31 long-term plan amendment (LTPA) and...

Many strands to city centre strategy

The proposed development of Tauranga’s civic precinct – Te Manawataki o Te Papa – is one strand of a much wider strategy to revitalise the city centre. The...

Important decisions ahead

When we adopted Tauranga City’s 2021-31 Long-term Plan (LTP) last year, the commissioners signalled that more work was needed to find a fairer way of sharing the...

Council explores Civic Project Master Plan costs

Tauranga City Commissioners, in a council meeting in late February, have agreed to consult with the community on cost options to create the new Civic Project Master...

Business sector feedback wanted

As part of Tauranga City Council’s forthcoming 2022/23 Annual Plan and 2021-31 Long-term Plan Amendment processes, the Commissioners want to hear from the business sector on a...

TECT Park gains international recognition

The Bay’s TECT Park has been recognised as a top 10 winner in the Green Flag International People’s Choice Award. The 1650-ha TECT Park in Upper Pyes Pa, is a...


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