
Tony Snow

Tony Snow is chief executive and co-founder of Stratus Blue. He can be contacted at tony@stratusblue.co.nz.

The importance of a Cyber Security Framework

Cyber Security. Those two words seem to be on repeat. Everywhere we turn in the tech space, this topic, albeit being discussed extensively, just...

Historical changes to how we consume technology

Over the years, technology has revolutionised our world and daily lives, with the trend of the increasing significance of technology only set to continue....

Partners could define your business in 2021

Businesses and organisations continue to embrace the importance of technology to support operations and deliver efficiencies. We are increasingly being asked “Can you help...

Technology resilience essential

As we look back on 2020, it might be better to look forward to 2021. The invisible enemy we all face in Covid-19 is...

The best use of techspertise

During 2020, new data and privacy laws came into play, remote working exploded, and cyber-security, data protection and IT risks become constant conversation pieces....

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