
David Porter

THE PORTER REPORT - A monthly update on the business world from David Porter

The messy business of democracy

Tauranga’s local body voters can look forward come July to what has been a rare experience in the last couple of years. For the first...

‘How is the air up there?⁽¹⁾

Entrepreneurial Texas- based space company Intuitive Machines is basking in the glory of having created and managed the first American lunar module since 1972...

Going up in smoke

One interesting consequence of the recent change of government in New Zealand was the outrage over health issues vented at the new coalition by...

The heat is rising

It is hardly a surprise that the world’s regular international talkfest on addressing climate change tends to be held in major oil-producing countries. After...

Living the dream: you and me both

“We live in one of the greatest places in the world. And I have one of the best jobs in the world – though...

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