
Daniel Goymer

Technical Director of Yorb, a Business Technology Partner. He can be reached on Daniel.goymer@yorb.tech or 0800-600-606.

Microsoft Ignite 2019

Microsoft Ignite was held in Orlando, Florida in late 2019. The annual technology conference gets 26,000 attendees and hosts more than 1500 sessions. The sessions...

Technology as a business enabler

Technology holds such promise for businesses, but how often do you find technology standing in the way instead of enabling your businesses success? At our...

Understanding the Cloud

The “Cloud” has been with us for more than a decade with Google and Amazon using the term to describe their systems as early...

Why backup, disaster recovery and business continuity are important

Backup, disaster recovery and business continuity. These terms are often used interchangeably in the technology sphere, though they all have different meanings. All three...

Work smarter not harder by improving productivity

Improving productivity is a priority for most businesses, work smarter not harder. New technologies from Microsoft, Google, Amazon and many others has allowed smaller businesses...

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