What is the ‘Modern Workplace’

Modern workplace, digital workplace and digital transformation have become buzz words over the past few years. But it can be difficult to get a clear definition of what a modern workplace is and how it can benefit your business.

New technologies are changing the way we live and work. They present new ways of solving old problems, create new business models, and impact our daily lives. With these new tools, the perfect opportunity has opened to revolutionise the workplace and shape an environment which allows you to attract the best employees. Welcome to the modern workplace.

Every business has to a degree embraced a modern workplace.

If you access your e-mail, calendar and contacts from your mobile phone then you are already working in a modern workplace.

Work anywhere

In the traditional model, everyone got up each day to drive to the office to do their work. People tended to live somewhat close by the office where their work was done.

But now with portable devices and wireless connectivity, people can now work from home, on a client’s site, on public transport or in cafes. Employees now have the flexibility to be productive wherever they are.

Work anytime

In the past, the employees tended to work fixed hours in an office. They did their 9-to-5 and then stayed late when needed. Businesses have become more global and our lives have become busier, which changes our traditional workday.

Employees can now work offsite at meetings, travelling for business, at home, or work hours that suit their job tasks and lifestyle.

Work on any device

Today’s dynamic workplace devices are simpler and more agile. Users are working across multiple devices such as PCs, tablets, laptops and smartphones.

The right technology allows your employees to access data, collaborate and securely connect with each other.


While the Modern Workplace opens more opportunities for your business, it does not remove responsibility to secure and protect valuable information. Regardless of whether you are using a Modern Workplace or more traditional folder/email working style, cyber-attacks are more frequent. No longer can you rely on larger locks (firewalls) to ensure your safety. Confidence comes from adopting a companywide, multi-faceted approach to security that incorporates the modern workplace tools and methods to secure critical assets.

The modern workplace is not based on one model. Rather, it’s a constantly evolving flexible, dynamic, and collaborative space powered by technology within which work is done. Working anywhere, anytime, on any device – securely.

Daniel Goymer
Daniel Goymer
Technical Director of Yorb, a Business Technology Partner. He can be reached on Daniel.goymer@yorb.tech or 0800-600-606.

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