HomeTagsAnne Tolley

Anne Tolley

Taking better care of our city

Complaints about overlong grass and out-of-control weeds have been a consistent theme amongst the communications we have received from city residents of late. The wettest...

City centre revitalisation set to accelerate

Early last month, the Tauranga City Council Commissioners joined mana whenua, contractors and council staff for the karakia which marks the start of another...

Many strands to city centre strategy

The proposed development of Tauranga’s civic precinct – Te Manawataki o Te Papa – is one strand of a much wider strategy to revitalise...

Business sector feedback wanted

As part of Tauranga City Council’s forthcoming 2022/23 Annual Plan and 2021-31 Long-term Plan Amendment processes, the Commissioners want to hear from the business...

TECT Park gains international recognition

The Bay’s TECT Park has been recognised as a top 10 winner in the Green Flag International People’s Choice Award. The 1650-ha TECT Park in Upper Pyes...

Everything crossed for a better year

In this first Business News column penned in 2022, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank everyone in the business community for their...

Feedback to help shape Tauranga representation

Tauranga City Council’s Commissioners have agreed on a final proposal for the city’s future representation arrangements, in preparation for the 2022 local government election. The...

Urban transformation needs to start now

Tauranga is growing quickly and that means we need to focus our efforts on the things that need to happen to accommodate growth and...

Commissioners’ Three Waters reform proposal

The Government’s Three Waters Reform proposal aims to ensure that all New Zealand communities have safe and sustainable drinking water supplies, wastewater reticulation, treatment...

Community input sought on three waters reform proposal

Tauranga City Council commissioners are calling for community input to include in feedback to the Government on its three waters reform proposal. Commission Chair Anne...

From the editor – August 2021

I wasn’t a 100 per cent advocate of the plan to turn over Tauranga Council control to the four government-appointed commissioners, led by former National MP Anne Tolley. And I remain sceptical they will finish their job and get out of town under their announced timetable.

Being honest about decisions – Anne Tolley

A successful outcome is not measured only in the ‘bottom line’. Tauranga City Council is a significant business, managing assets worth more than $4.7 billion,...


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