
Thank you for your support!

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The Tauranga City Council Commissioners would like to take this opportunity to thank the business community for the strong support businesspeople have provided for the many initiatives the Council has progressed under our governance.

We appreciate that there has been a significant cost involved for city businesses as a result of the changes made to commercial rates differentials (which will continue for some businesses with the forthcoming introduction of an industrial rate for the 2024/25 year) and we are sincerely grateful that the commercial sector has taken such a farsighted stance with regard to the moves we have overseen to catch-up on some long-overdue investments in infrastructure and community facilities.

The message we have received is that the sector is not only supportive of investment which will address the city’s severe housing deficit, road congestion issues and the facilities we need to make Tauranga a better place to live, but is prepared to pay its fair share of the costs involved, providing that clear benefits will be delivered for the wider community.

The long-term plans adopted during the Commission’s tenure each set-out a clear action and investment plan to address the city’s needs, while carefully considering the financial cost, both for the organisation and for ratepayers. We think we have got the right balance of priorities and it was encouraging to see the response to the Tauranga Business Chamber’s survey last month, which showed strong support for maintaining the Council’s current strategic and investment direction.

As an aside which speaks to the business sector’s desire to see progress being made, the following graph provides an interesting insight into Council investment in the city, with a noticeable increase in capital expenditure over the past three years.

Also as an interesting aside, city partners and Council celebrated the progress the city has made, and is making, at a function in early-May. There was a lot of commentary from those attending about the current and planned investment in Tauranga, with a clear indicator being the seven cranes that are now dotted around the city centre – far more than anyone could remember seeing before and confirmation that the more than $2 billion being invested by private and public interests will bring the revitalisation this area so badly needs.

This was a particularly positive event and it was heartening to get some great feedback that the Council’s commitment to Te Manawataki o Te Papa – the redevelopment of the civic Precinct – is continuing to instil investment confidence in the private sector.

This will be my last Bay of Plenty Business News column as Commission Chair, because our role will become largely ceremonial after the last Council meeting of our tenure on 10 June. That being the case, I would also like to thank the Bay of Plenty Business News and its publishers for providing the opportunity to communicate so directly with the business sector on the many issues of importance over the last three-and-a-half years.

Best wishes to all of you for a successful and professionally rewarding future. Remember that the elected council which will lead the community through the next four years will depend on the community’s input – so make sure you vote and make sure you tell everyone you know to vote as well. We have a great city – let’s make it even greater, a place we can all be proud of and that future generations will want to live, work, learn and play in.

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Anne Tolley
Anne Tolley
Tauranga Commission Chair

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