
Tauranga honey family launches legacy scholarship

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A Tauranga beekeeping identity has had his legacy in the industry secured with his family creating an apiculture scholarship in his memory.

Ron Mossop, founder of Mossops Honey, first started beekeeping in 1947, moving to the Bay of Plenty in the early 1960s. In recognition of his pioneering work the Mossop family have created the Ron Mossop Youth Scholarship in Beekeeping.

The scholarship aims to help young aspiring apiarists wanting to take up a career in the industry and undertake training in line with best industry practice.

Ron’s son Neil Mossop, who picked up the business with his wife Wendy from his father in 1981, said the decision to support a scholarship was underscored by the family’s strong belief in maintaining high standards in the industry.

“Our family business has evolved over 70 years, but retains the values that were important to my father,” he said.

The legacy scholarship includes $2000 for one year towards an agreed training programme, which could include an industry accepted course like the NZ apprenticeship in apiculture. Membership to Apiculture NZ is also included.

Karin Kos, chief executive of Apiculture New Zealand, said the scholarship would provide young New Zealanders a pathway for engaging with a vocation and to understand the link between honey bees, the food chain and the environment.

Apiculture NZ recently introduced the New Zealand apprenticeship in apiculture.

“This scholarship aligns with the objectives around best practice beekeeping,” she said.

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