
Love Tauranga

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Urban Task Force for Tauranga (UTF) recently launched the “Love Tauranga” campaign to focus the public debate and mood towards electing a constructive and future orientated Tauranga City Council.

“‘Love Tauranga’ is all about what’s great about our city and the exciting future it has’” commented UTFs Vicky Williamson.

“We want people to be proud of our city and move on from the negativity.”

The campaign targets multiple social media platforms to allow the public to share their stories about the city.

“UTF are big believers in our city and its future. This is our contribution to selling the story of our city to the world.  We want everyone who lives here to embrace the job of promoting our city.

“‘Love Tauranga’ is also a way of encouraging positive and constructive leadership from all civic and business leaders. We need to take pride in our city and that includes participating in our coming local Council election.

“When we last elected a Council in 2019, less than 50% of us voted, which meant a minority deciding who took office. We want our new council to have a strong and positive mandate, backing constructive leadership for our city.”

The UTF campaign was timed to focus attention positively at the time of the recent local body elections.

“We encourage all candidates to make their pitch in a positive manner and the voters can make their choice! We also urge all local residents to exercise their democratic rights and make their opinion heard by voting,” said Williamson.

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