A Solution to Skills Shortages

Skilled British Workers – The Fast Track Way to Recruit from the UK

With closed borders for the last couple of years to all but a few ‘essential workers,’ to say that Kiwi businesses are now struggling to find suitably skilled staff is something of an understatement. In recent months comments increasingly received by BOP Business News from local employers show just how desperate local business owners are for key staff.

With skill shortages a reality at the present time, it pays dividends to prepare for future skills shortages which may affect your company.

Large companies with HR departments have the time and skill set to plan ahead. However, some SME’s may not have the necessary resources to implement such effective planning as they are typically less resourced than larger organisations.

Projects such as retention of key staff, future workforce planning and graduate programmes are not as frequently practised and money to spend on employer branding isn’t always on the to-do list.

Questions that SME owners/managers need to be asking are:

• Is my company in a sector experiencing skill shortages?
• What skills are essential for me to remain in business?
• Which of my employees might be retiring soon?

Identifying skills shortages is one thing but knowing how best to fill them can be tricky at the best of times. With the border soon to re-open, employers will likely be turning their attention away from the tight domestic labour market to give much more consideration to the rich talent pool that exists overseas, particularly in the UK.

Recruiting the best talent and skills from abroad is a smart move but requires a totally different approach from recruiting on shore. How serious are the candidates you may wish to consider? Who will screen them?

Immigration policy can be complex, so how will you know if they are eligible for a work or residence visa? Add to this that under new government policy, New Zealand companies wanting to employ overseas personnel, must first become fully accredited with Immigration New Zealand. Many employers are blissfully unaware of this new requirement.

There is no doubt that it helps if you can work with experts to come up with innovative ways to identify, source and attract talent. In the long term it will also help if you can develop your employer brand awareness to overseas candidates as early as possible and to engage with people before you need them.

One such expert is Geoff Taylor from The Emigration Group who has a thirty-year track record in assisting New Zealand employers recruit skilled British workers, promoting themselves as the ‘fast track way to recruit from the UK.’ Director, Geoff Taylor says: “With a solid work ethic and little or no cultural differences, Brits have proved they settle well on these shores.

Our current database comprises around 50,000 British candidates from all backgrounds – trades and professionals, many of whom will be hoping that 2022 is the year they make a break with the UK. “

The company has helped over 12,000 workers migrate from the UK since 1992. Geoff has lived in New Zealand for the last 20 years and is heading over to the UK at the end of May for a major recruitment drive of Brits keen to come to the region.

“Tauranga and the Bay of Plenty has always been a favourite location with Brits and is going to be even more so now, given the prospect of home ownership in Auckland is out of reach for most,” he says.

He is keen to hear from any local business, big or small who need skilled staff and can provide more information on getting employer accreditation.

Contact: Geoff Taylor on 021 405 859 or Email: geoff@emigrationgroup.co.nz
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