
Staying ahead of the game

BUSINESS SALES - How to sell your business in today’s evolving market

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Selling a business in today’s market can be challenging as the business landscape is constantly evolving. Here are a few tips on how to sell a business in today’s market.

Understand the current market

By staying informed about the state of the economy, consumer behaviour, and technological advancements, you’ll be able to gain a better understanding of the current market conditions. This knowledge can assist you in identifying opportunities and potential challenges, as well as positioning your business to thrive in the current market.

Embrace technology

Embracing technology is an important part of adapting to changing business trends. Using technology can help you reach a wider audience and make it easier for potential buyers to learn about your company. This can include implementing digital marketing strategies such as search engine optimisation (SEO). It also should include determining which social media platform (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and even TikTok) is the best platform for your social media endeavours.

Be flexible

When it comes to changing business trends, adapting to a more flexible mindset is essential. This could include thinking about a range of options for how you might sell your business and who you might sell it to. Perhaps extend your thinking to include unusual buyers like venture capitalists or private equity firms who may have different goals and expectations than traditional buyers. If you are open to different types of buyers and deals you will be able to explore a wider range of possibilities and increase your chances of finding the right buyer.

Emphasise the value of your business

Selling a business in today’s market requires learning how to emphasise your company’s value. You can set your company apart from competitors and appeal to potential buyers by emphasising its unique value proposition, such as a large customer base, proprietary technology, or strong brand recognition.

Showcase the business’s potential

Showcasing the potential of the company is an important step in adapting to changing business trends.

You’ll be able to demonstrate the value of your business and attract buyers who are looking for a business with a strong future and clear opportunities for further growth and expansion.


In today’s market, selling a business necessitates a strategic approach as well as a willingness to adapt to changing business trends.

Related: Business Brokers: Business sales – busy times ahead

Steve Catley
Steve Catley
Steve Catley is a Business Broker at LINK Business Brokers. He can be contacted at 021 341 117 and steve.catley@linkbusiness.co.nz

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