Michael Shaw

Michael Shaw is managing director of Dale Carnegie BOP Waikato (www.bop-waikato.dalecarnegie.com). He can be reached on Michael.shaw@dalecarengie.com

Take command of your thoughts: How to reframe negative thoughts at work

Imagine this: You’re driving to work, it’s raining, and you’re late. When you arrive, the team meeting has already started. After the meeting, you open...

The key thing to think about in 2023 is well, nothing really!

The new business reality has really kicked in where we are having to do more, better, faster with less. This year I have had...

The most important people with the hardest job

Who are the most important people with the hardest job? Is it the senior leadership team? The specialist with years of experience and knowledge? I...

Building employee self-confidence

A recent Dale Carnegie study found that, “Confidence is the emotion that empowered employees value most highly.” When employees are self-confident, they perform at...

Mindset, how’s yours?

Dale Carnegie when asked by a journalist what was the biggest lesson he had ever learned? He said “That is easy, by far the...

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