Andrea Scatchard

Andrea Scatchard is a Tax Partner at Deloitte, based in the Bay of Plenty. She can be contacted on

GST net – opt out now?

Time is running out to opt out assets from the GST net! Registering for GST and claiming some or all of the GST on the...

Tax and Tinsel – Taxing holiday perks

The festive season is upon us! It’s a time for giving, sharing and navigating the tax treatment of Christmas-related expenditure. While the work Christmas...

Tax for Infrastructure

Some surprises are welcome but, generally, tax shocks are not! To avoid nasty surprises, planning and obtaining the right advice is vital, whether you...

When are share investments taxable?

The growth of online share trading platforms over recent years has made investing in shares much more accessible for the general population. This is...

Time to organise your taxes

After what could be seen as a period of hibernation, two recent developments reinforce that Inland Revenue has awoken and taxpayers should not be...

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