
Covid lockdown effects on employment

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The most recent lockdown has caused much uncertainty for many employees around their job security. With Auckland only just breaking free of level 4 and Delta spreading into the Waikato (a little too close to home) this has caused many to wonder, can they cope through another lockdown on a wage subsidy?

Many have taken the lockdown break to rethink what they are doing and left many considering making a move to another role.

There are definitely going to be some sectors effected more than others through covid lockdown, but the trend is continuing with many businesses busier than ever, unable to keep with up with demand and growth, thus requiring more staff.

With 1,629 roles currently advertised on trade me throughout the Bay of Plenty, it truly is a candidate-driven market.

Whilst having the right skill set is important, having the right attitude and trainability can be just as powerful in an application. 

With the latest figures due to be released from Ministry of Social Development it will be interesting to see, once published, what the lockdown effect has been on the region in terms of unemployment.

In initial reports, it was said that the increase was near on 680 people from across the region during our level 4 lockdown. Perhaps add to that the additional people now wishing to move from Auckland and there may be enough to create competition for roles.

Need for diversification

Candidates looking for work may need to diversify and try new industries or roles.  Often understanding that many skills are transferable, employers and employees alike need to value experiences when considering roles or candidates.

Although talent is in hot demand, employers realise the value of hiring for fit, and aren’t being drawn into the hiring based on skills alone. With compliance costs rising, employers can’t afford to make costly hiring mistakes.

Whilst having the right skill set is important, having the right attitude and trainability can be just as powerful in an application.

The seven most looked for skills on Careers NZ relate to: positive attitude, communication, team work, self-management, willingness to learn, problem-solving skills and resilience.

This is all considered by the employer along with the skill and knowledge base of a candidate. That being said, the pool is still small.

For employers, it’s a tough candidate market, roles are taking longer to fill and lack of resource inhibits a businesses ability to grow. We’ve seen a lot of diversification, streamlining of systems and processes and thinking outside of the box to navigate through these unusual times.

Read: It’s not easy being an employer in 2021

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Kellie Hamlett
Kellie Hamlett
Director, Recruitment & HR Specialist, Talent ID Recruitment Ltd. She can be contacted on kellie@talentid.co.nz or 027 227 7736. Talent ID are Recruitment Specialists and can support you through your recruitment process.

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